Changing post-school pathways and outcomes. Melbourne and regional students


This report addresses the fourth research question of the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage project (LP120100212) How have these pathways, transitions and choices altered over time, and what role is played by shifts in the global, regional and local context? Specifically, this report examines the changes in pathways, transitions and choices of three cohorts of young Victorians as they move from school to further education and work. It examines changes in the pathways, transitions and choices of young Victorians in regard to educational aspirations and in educational achievement and labour market outcomes, and explores differences between three groups of school leavers.

Australian Research Council Report 6 prepared for the Department of Planning and Community Development. Spatial Analysis and Research Branch. State Government Victoria
Francisco Rowe
Francisco Rowe
Professor of Population Data Science

My research interests include human mobility and migration; economic geography and spatial inequality; geographic data science.
