Measuring the local complementarity of population, amenities and digital activities to identify and understand urban areas of interest

This study aims at investigating how the deprivation level of the area where people live influences the kinds of urban environment they are more likely to use for their everyday activities

A data fusion approach with mobile phone data for updating travel survey-based mode split estimates

We propose a method that leverages mobile phone data as a cost-effective and rich source of geospatial information to capture current human mobility patterns at unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution

International migration and development. The changing impact of migration on redistributing global population

We explore the impact of international migration on global population distribution since the 1990s

Tracking the Transit Divide. A Multilevel Modelling Approach of Urban Inequalities and Train Ridership Disparities in Chicago population

We investigate the impact of urban inequalities on changes to rail ridership across Chicago's "L" stations during the pandemic, the mass vaccination rollout, and the full reopening of the city

Measuring the local complementarity of population, amenities and digital activities to identify and understand urban areas of interest

This paper develops a novel approach to identify areas of interest based on the degree of complementarity of digital activities, available amenities, and population levels.

A ‘donut effect’? Assessing housing transactions during COVID-19 across the Spanish urban–rural hierarchy

We assess if a 'donut effect' has occurred in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How consumer behaviours changed in response to COVID-19 lockdown stringency measures - A case study of Walmart

We investigate the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions, in the form of lockdown stringency measures, on consumer purchasing behaviours for essential goods over the onset of the pandemic

Virtual special issue - Internal migration in times of COVID-19

We aim to consolidate our knowledge of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on internal migration, discuss key lessons we have learnt so far, and identify areas for future enquiry

Quantifying the impact of COVID-19 on immigration in receiving high-income countries

We quantify the impact of COVID-19 on immigration flows in 15 high-income countries by forecasting their counterfactual levels in 2020 assuming no pandemic and comparing these estimates with observed immigration counts.

Understanding Population Decline Trajectories in Spain using Sequence Analysis

we aim to identify and characterize the different trajectories of depopulation in Spain from 2000 to 2020 at the small area level using sequence analysis, spatial autocorrelation analysis, decomposition techniques, and multinomial logistic modeling.