COVeAGE-DB. A database of age-structured COVID-19 cases and deaths

We introduce COVerAGE-DB which is an open access database including cumulative counts of confirmed COVID-19 cases, deaths, and tests by age and sex.

A city of cities Measuring how 15-minutes urban accessibility shapes human mobility in Barcelona

We use mobile phone, census, and volunteered geographical data to measure geographic variations in the relationship between origin-destination flows and local urban accessibility in Barcelona

Identifying how COVID-19 related misinformation reacts to the announcement of the UK national lockdown. An interrupted time-series study

We utilise a novel dataset of all COVID-19-related social media posts on Twitter from the UK 48 hours before and 48 hours after the announcement (n=2,531,888).

Going digital? The impact of social media marketing on retail website traffic, orders and sale

This paper examines the impact of daily social media activity on daily business outcomes, website traffic, orders and sales.

R Package extRatum

This R package provides summary statistics of local geospatial features within a given geographic area. It does so by calculating the area covered by a target geospatial feature (i.e. buildings, parks, lakes, etc.).

Geography of Talent in China During 2000–2015. An Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Negative Binomial Approach

We examine the career pathways of forced migrants using sequence analysis from their arrival in 1991 through to 2013.

This Special Issue aims to introduce the publication of computational notebooks in REGION.

We use mobile phone, census, and volunteered geographical data to measure geographic variations in the relationship between origin-destination flows and local urban accessibility in Barcelona

A reproducible notebook to acquire, process and analyse satellite imagery. Exploring long-term urban changes

This notebook offers a framework based on Python tools to demonstrate how to batch-download high-resolution satellite imagery; and enable the extraction, analysis and visualisation of features of the built environment to capture long-term urban changes.

Explaining the widening distribution of Body Mass Index A decomposition analysis of trends for England, 2002–2004 and 2012–2014

We examined how predictors of BMI varied at the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentiles using unconditional quantile regressions.

Mapping The Spatial Patterns of Internal Migration in Europe

We created a flow map of internal migration flows within 38 European countries using the most recent data available.