The occupational trajectories and outcomes of forced migrants in Sweden. Entrepreneurship, employment or persistent inactivity?

We examine the career pathways of forced migrants using sequence analysis from their arrival in 1991 through to 2013.

Fueling Research Transparency Computational Notebooks and the Discussion Section

This article introduces two new types of publication that further accommodate transparent research in Regional Science, The Discussion section, and Computational Notebooks.

Impact of internal migration on population redistribution in Europe Urbanisation, counterurbanisation or spatial equilibrium?

We advance beyond Ravenstein’s understanding by examining the direction of population redistribution and comparing the impact of internal migration on patterns of human settlement in 27 European countries.

Trends in multimorbidity, complex multimorbidity and multiple functional limitations in the ageing population of England, 2002–2015

This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of three measures of multimorbidity among people aged 50 years or older in England.

A Hierarchical Urban Forest Index Using Street-Level Imagery and Deep Learning

We develop a method based on computer vision and a hierarchical multilevel model to derive an Urban Street Tree Vegetation Index which aims to quantify the amount of vegetation visible from the point of view of a pedestrian.

Social determinants of multimorbidity and multiple functional limitations among the ageing population of England, 2002–2015

This study explores longitudinal relationships between material, psycho-social and behavioural social determinants of health and multimorbidity of people aged 50 years or older in England.

Projecting the demographic impact of Syrian migration in a rapidly ageing society, Germany

This study assesses the demographic impact of Syrian migration into Germany.

R Package CIM Compositional Impact of Migration

This R package produces summary statistical indicators of the impact of migration on the socio-demographic composition of an area.

Efectos cambiantes de la migración sobre el crecimiento, la estructura demográfica y la segregación residencial en ciudades grandes. El caso de Santiago, Chile, 1977-2017

En este texto se usa el caso del area metropolitana del Gran Santiago (AMGS), capital de Chile, para evaluar empíricamente el efecto de la de la migración interna, incluyendo la intrametropolitana, sobre algunas transformaciones metropolitanas.

Establishing the extent and pace of the contemporary trend of migration decline in Europe

This article presents some of the key findings of a Regional Studies Association funded project on internal migration in Europe (“Understanding the declining trend in internal migration in Europe”).