Mobility data in urban science

The report seeks to summarise the views of the experts participants in the use of mobility data in the contect of urban science.

Changes of residence in times of COVID-19. A small respite from rural depopulation

This briefs analyses internal migration between cities, suburbs, and rural areas in 2020, compared to migration patterns during the four years preceding the pandemic.

Sentiment towards Migration during COVID-19. What Twitter Data Can Tell Us

This report introduces a novel framework for using Twitter data to measure and monitor shifts in public sentiment towards migrants, complementing traditional data sources.

Socio-economic Inequality and Geographic Spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic in England

This paper looks at the geographical patterns of COVID-19 cases observed over the course of the pandemic in England in 2020

The Geography of the COVID-19 Pandemic in England

This policy brief analyses the geography of the COVID-19 pandemic in England

Neighbourhood change and trajectories of inequality in Britain, 1971-2011

This article offers evidence on the evolution of spatial inequalities in Britain over a 40-year period from 1971 to 2011.

Efectos cambiantes de la migración sobre el crecimiento, la estructura demográfica y la segregación residencial en ciudades grandes.El caso de Santiago, Chile, 1977-2017

En este texto se usa el caso del Area Metropolitana del Gran Santiago (AMGS), capital de Chile, para evaluar empíricamente el efecto de la de la migración interna, incluyendo la intrametropolitana, sobre algunas transformaciones metropolitanas.

Neighbourhood change and trajectories of inequality in Britain, 1971-2011

This briefing determines the extent, sequence, pace and spatial pattern of neighbourhood change in Britain over a 40-year period from 1971 to 2011.

Changing post-school pathways and outcomes. Melbourne and regional students

This report examines the changes in pathways, transitions and choices of three cohorts of young Victorians.

Attraction and Retention. Education and labour force pathways of metropolitan and regional school leavers in Victoria

This report examines the changes in migration patterns of young people during the school-to-work transition.