Internal Migration

Virtual special issue - Internal migration in times of COVID-19

We aim to consolidate our knowledge of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on internal migration, discuss key lessons we have learnt so far, and identify areas for future enquiry

Urban Exodus? Understanding Human Mobility in Britain During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Facebook Data

We aim to analyse the extent and evolution of changes in the spatial patterns of population movement across the rural-urban continuum in Britain over an 18-month period from March, 2020 to August, 2021.

Visualizing internal and international migration in the Spanish provinces during the COVID-19 pandemic

we analyse the impact of COVID-19 on internal and international migration across the 50 Spanish provinces (NUTS-3 regions).

Rural revival? The rise in internal migration to rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic. Who moved and where?

We analysed the main types of rural areas pulling internal migrants in Spain and their demographic characteristics, namely age, sex and place of birth.

Understanding Patterns of Internal Migration During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain

We aim to analyse the extent of change in the patterns of internal migration across the urban hierarchy in Spain during 2020

Changes of residence in times of COVID-19. A small respite from rural depopulation

This briefs analyses internal migration between cities, suburbs, and rural areas in 2020, compared to migration patterns during the four years preceding the pandemic.

Mapping The Spatial Patterns of Internal Migration in Europe

We created a flow map of internal migration flows within 38 European countries using the most recent data available.

Internal Migration Intensity and Impact in Europe

This article is included in the 2020 European Demographic Data Sheet which for the first time includes an overview of the intensity and impacts of internal migration across Europe.

Impact of internal migration on population redistribution in Europe Urbanisation, counterurbanisation or spatial equilibrium?

We advance beyond Ravenstein’s understanding by examining the direction of population redistribution and comparing the impact of internal migration on patterns of human settlement in 27 European countries.

Efectos cambiantes de la migración sobre el crecimiento, la estructura demográfica y la segregación residencial en ciudades grandes.El caso de Santiago, Chile, 1977-2017

En este texto se usa el caso del Area Metropolitana del Gran Santiago (AMGS), capital de Chile, para evaluar empíricamente el efecto de la de la migración interna, incluyendo la intrametropolitana, sobre algunas transformaciones metropolitanas.