Machine learning

Population Data Science

The book provides students with an introduction to the use of data science and digital footprint data to analyse human population dynamics.

Big Data

This chapter identifies and discusses the existing and future challenges and opportunities of Big Data for human geography.

Spatial Interaction Modelling. A Manifesto

This paper aims to illustrate how attitudes towards immigration can be measured using Twitter data and natural processing language.

Data Innovation in Demography, Migration and Human Mobility

Back in February, the European Commission Joint Research Centre published a report on data innovation applications in demography, migration and human mobility. This report is a very welcome contribution summarising all the relevant case applications in the field of migration and human mobility.

Mobility data in urban science

The report seeks to summarise the views of the experts participants in the use of mobility data in the contect of urban science.

Using Twitter to track immigration sentiment during early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic

This article aims to measure shifts in public sentiment opinion about migration during early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States

Sentiment towards Migration during COVID-19. What Twitter Data Can Tell Us

This report introduces a novel framework for using Twitter data to measure and monitor shifts in public sentiment towards migrants, complementing traditional data sources.

A Framework to Understand Attitudes towards Immigration through Twitter

We use a Twitter sample composed of 36 K users and 160 K tweets discussing the topic in 2017, when the immigrant population in the country recorded an increase by a factor of four from 2010.

Using large scale social media data to measure perceptions towards immigration

This project aims to develop analytical methods to monitor public opinions towards immigration using Twitter data and machine learning.

Using Machine Learning to Estimate Global Bilateral Migration Flows

This project aims to generate annual country-to-country migration estimates across the world.