Spatial Inequality

Identifying Place-based Trajectories of Spatial Inequality Using Sequence Analysis

Understanding inequalities at the is key to inform policy. Neighbourhoods are the key of society and urban spaces. Key social processes occur at the neighbourhood level. Yet, lack of offering longitudinal data on places over a long window of time in …

Trajectories of Neighbourhood Inequality in Britain Unpacking Inter-regional Socioeconomic Imbalances, 1971-2011

This paper investigates intraregional and interurban inequalities at the neighbourhood level in Britain during a 40-year period, 1971-2011.

The Geography of the COVID-19 Pandemic in England

This policy brief analyses the geography of the COVID-19 pandemic in England

Neighbourhood change and trajectories of inequality in Britain, 1971-2011

This article offers evidence on the evolution of spatial inequalities in Britain over a 40-year period from 1971 to 2011.

Efectos cambiantes de la migración sobre el crecimiento, la estructura demográfica y la segregación residencial en ciudades grandes.El caso de Santiago, Chile, 1977-2017

En este texto se usa el caso del Area Metropolitana del Gran Santiago (AMGS), capital de Chile, para evaluar empíricamente el efecto de la de la migración interna, incluyendo la intrametropolitana, sobre algunas transformaciones metropolitanas.

Neighbourhood change and trajectories of inequality in Britain, 1971-2011

This briefing determines the extent, sequence, pace and spatial pattern of neighbourhood change in Britain over a 40-year period from 1971 to 2011.

¿Contribuye la migración interna a reducir la segregación residencial? El caso de Santiago de Chile 1977-2002

We estimate the impact of internal migration on residential segregation in Santiago.